
Monday, May 17, 2010

A hope is that the Marty - Patricia Torres Ray candidacy focused some attention upon possibilities for Hispanic opportunity to move into leadership roles within the legislature.

We grow as a nation, or we recede. We are educated and open, or we are not.

The groundbreaking choice of Ms. Torres Ray as Lt. Governor candidate is reported well elsewhere.

This link.

If we do not make the effort to advance the US in civilized ways toward sensible representative population demographics in the legislature reflecting demographics of the state, if we do not move forward toward enlightenment, we will have the ongoing tugging backwards into darker thoughts and meaner views; by some in the Bachmann camp of social ethics and ethos.

This link.

Birth of a Nation was well done cinema, but the theme of anonymously hooded intimidating mob night riders as heroes, was as much a falsehood when the film was made as now. My hope is that the one linked-to pro-Bachmann blogger will at some point come to think that his views could be accorded more thought if he had the courage to put his name to them.

Can you imagine the inspiring revolutionary-war period pamphlet being effective as, "Common Sense," by Annonymous? It galls.