
Sunday, May 23, 2010

High tech litigation, Google [YouTube] vs. Viacom claims and crossclaims; with email evidence of the degree of sophisticated and genteel but trenchant analysis within corporate managements.

Google, as an information company, gives you information about the litigation. While the saying is there are two sides to every lawsuit, do you expect them, as an information company, to give equal access to each of the two sides?  This link.

As to the incredibly genteel level of analysis and dispute within large-firm corporate management; this link.

As to the question of what the prevailing HTML5 video codec will be; in particular will it be open source or patent pool licensed; there is reporting, this link.

As to whether the patent system is broken, and the Patent Office would give a patent for as innovative an idea as "Downloading Music on the Internet by use of a keyboard, mouse, trackball or joystice," well that would be stupid to expect to be granted that kind of patent because there is nothing novel or innovative about THAT. What, instead is sufficiently intellectual to be patentable intellectual property; with what may be granted and what might hold up in court always interrelated but not exactly congruent questions; this link.

And, you know, even being a bit of a savage if I ever had ungenteel thinking about Ramsey and local politics, I would of course try to shift to more genteel ways to state things if emailing, trying, I guess, to imitate large-firm role models of prudent and sagacious communication. Figure it this way, NSA is reading your email, our email, and they are sensitive individuals who might take offense at coarseness. There's no cause to inappropriately give uncalled-for offense to such active and diligent sensitive public servants.