
Thursday, May 06, 2010

Does any reader know? Did Nasser Kazeminy and his Deep Marine Technologies firm have any role or dealings related to the BP Gulf deepwater drilling disaster?

For a reminder to those not remembering the names; this Wikipedia link. This link also.

That hummer is gushing slop, a mile deep in the ocean. Mr. Drill Here, Drill Now, Risk Less Newt Gingrich must be happy, happy, happy.

Does anyone else have second thoughts:

Looking at that first Bachmann photo, from "Rifleman Al's" photobucket, do you think she could bring some of that bat-nest straw down the the Gulf coast, to absorb some of the spill?

Also, while it would in a way resonate, it would be bad manners to ship oil-drenched dead pelicans to the Bachmann congressional office; and I discourage all readers from any such thought or effort.

[links, here, here, here and here]

__________FURTHER UPDATE_________
On the Bachmann dimension, rather than the Coleman-Kazeminy friendship and Coleman efforts while in the US Senate to get offshore drilling legislation; Dump Bachmann has videos, here and here.

'Toons, here.