
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Tarryl Clark update - after gaining the DFL endorsement.

Access the Clark campaign website,

And you get that opening screenshot. Clark news, Klobuchar holds a fundraiser; making sense now since Clark's been endorsed and since a former Klobuchar worker is Clark's campaign director. This Clark website link.

Walz reported to have endorsed Clark, again, after the party convention endorsed. This Strib link.

There is no doubt who Clark is running against. This link. Interesting photo of the opponent.

Maureen Reed: Reed is still active but would be pushing the big rock uphill in wanting to get party regulars to endorse her after Clark got the convention endorsement. But Reed is still active and it will be interesting with the quarter having closed to see how each candidate did, especially in individual contributions, when the FEC reports are available for each online.

While there will be a primary and Reed and Clark each will tout her own background and capabilities, the impact will not be one strongly costly to the primary winner because each of the two knows the target is not one another, but the rabble-rousing circus barker incumbent.

Reed's campaign website:

And she does feature as recent news the mid-march LORI STURDEVANT editorial complimentary to both DFL Sixth District challengers. This link.

It is concievable this cycle that the DFL legislative leadership might produce the Sixth District Congressional representative as well as the first Minnesota female governor. As concievable, the Minnesota Congressional delegation might add an MD to its list of represented professions.