
Friday, April 16, 2010

Excellent coverage of the underwhelming April 15 Tea Bagger efforts.

Minn Post, here.

"Hundreds," was the description of things in St. Paul.

One point well covered with links, the question of whether the Bachmann-Palin tea flavor, Tea Party Express, is more astroturf than grassroots [you KNOW the truth, don't you].

See this earlier Crabgrass post.

The Palin-Bachmann tea flavor does seem to be too heavily blended of the End Times over Eral Grey, or lemmon-ginger, and certainly all green tea is lacking from their flavor.

Nothing is "green" about that pair.

Especially Michele Bachmann, this link.

Andy Birkey's Minn Independent coverage of the same non-event, here. In covering Minn Independent's report of Immelman seeking iP endorsement, I had let this companion headline slide. Readers, have a look.