
Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The story is in a number of online video links, with something to read, here. City pages posts this video. Also, there is this online video link. Also, Dump Bachmann has posted the video link.

The DFL and anti-Bachmann outlets seem to be all over it. Can any reader email me a link to any GOP sites taking the bit in their teeth and running with the item?

Gold standard of the GOP? That pair?

Barry Goldwater and Bill Buckley are spinning in their graves. Taft and Eisenhower too.

What in the world is this Brodkorb guy doing insulting a heritage reaching back to Lincoln? And doing it for what, to score a few current points, of some kind, with some kind of people focused only on today and yesterday but ignoring the day before, etc.?

Brodkorb should apologize for the comment. He should resign his party post. I bet even Norm Coleman is spinning in his grave and he has not died yet. Or, I believe not.

Dick Nixon's heritage even is insulted. This pair could not even be competent crooks, as Nixon was. Perhaps they'd equal his meanness level, perhaps not. But aside from all else Dick Nixon was, he had a brain. Put them in a class with Dan Quayle, perhaps, but that's not anyone's gold standard and even Quayle would have cause for distress over any comparison.

Reagan was a showman, front man, pitch man, barker, and probably would take less offense than others.

BOTTOM LINE: You can see the basis for a sound and intelligent GOP person such as Aubrey Immelman being uncomfortable with the GOP's status quo, and wanting to run against it.

Before anyone misunderstands, this is not a gender thing. Margaret Chase Smith is spinning as fast or faster than the other deceased but insulted ones. And if news of this were to reach Condoleezza Rice, how do you think she'd feel? Too black to be gold? Get real. Know quality from the opposite. Rice is no Beverly LaHaye, and I expect Dr. Rice is proud of being so. Are you waiting for Ms. Palin, or Ms. LaHaye, to end up here? Keep waiting. It's not in the cards.

________FURTHER UPDATE________
Even Brodkorb's propaganda organ, Hellier at MDE, does not touch that wopper.

Here is all I could find on a site specific search, "gold standard."