
Thursday, March 11, 2010

No surprise, I supported Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer for Senator, and I now support his endorsement of John Marty. Two really fine individuals

MPR Polinaut reports:

Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, a DFL candidate for U.S. Senate and Congress in the past, is backing DFL state Sen. John Marty's bid for governor. Nelson-Pallmeyer said in an e-mail to reporters that Marty is the most progressive candidate in the field. Here's part of the e-mail:

John is the candidate I have faith in to carry our progressive vision for Minnesota. John is principled and honest and he has been a leader on the key issues Minnesotans care about. In a time of high voter cynicism I believe John is the DFL candidate who can win the general election.

John has become a good campaigner, and I have seen how well he relates to voters throughout the state. People are hungry for real change, tired of money dominating politics, and eager for real leadership. They see John as a governor who will lead and partner with them to achieve health care for all Minnesotans and to address other pressing needs.

John stands for a better Minnesota, one that speaks to our better selves: a Minnesota where we care for one another, especially the most vulnerable among us; a Minnesota where all people are treated with dignity and respect, whatever their race, their abilities, their legal status or their sexual orientation; a Minnesota in which the air, the land and the water are protected so we and our children and their grandchildren can enjoy a sustainable future.

John has accomplished much in the Senate. He's led the state for two decades in government ethics and campaign finance reform. He's leading a bold effort to make Minnesota the first state in the country to establish a single-payer, truly universal, affordable health care system. He's brought the issue of same-sex marriage out of the closet and into hearing rooms in St. Paul. And he's the one candidate who works to address the broader economic crisis we're in - and he isn't afraid to point out the budgetary "elephant in the room," the morally and economically outrageous cost of our nation's ongoing wars and subservience to the military-industrial complex.