
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bullhorn Bachmann Bill now has a number, H.R. 4903, the repealer text is unaltered but it spills onto a second page now.

This link. The online GPO official version of retrenchment wishing, with eleven cosponsors.

I cannot be too hard on Bachmann over claims the act is flawed. The act is a mess, for reasons different from what Bachmann Bullhorns about, the major defect being how it is extremely beneficial to the insurance industry, the people that disingenuously all the time said don't throw me into that brier patch.

 Did you notice that after all the mischief was tied up with a pretty ribbon, ASAP Obama went to Afghanistan to distract attention?

It will come out that the people were flim-flammed, and there will ultimately be single payer and cost controls because without either the nation is indecent to the weakest and least wealthy, and without cost controls the rape of the populace, inside and outside of Medicare, will continue. Big Pharma got goodies. Providers got goodies, the insurance leeches got goodies. The people may wake up. They may remain asleep. They may continue as sheep for the wolves, that being more likely than not.

But Michele Bachmann's approach is distracting and divisive and yet a different smoke screen from a questionable Presidential photo-op, bomber jacket and all, into safe areas of the presently favored war forum, press most certainly invited but channeled.

[photos from here and here]