
Monday, March 29, 2010

Bullhorn Bachmann -- Bill-killer, Bill-killer. Why, exactly?

So what's the latest Bullhorn rhetoric from Michele Bachmann? Try this:

“It’s no secret, President Obama and Democrat leaders have ignored the will of the people and have chosen to ram through their trillion-dollar health care bill despite the American people’s overwhelming objection to it. It’s future generations, our children and grandchildren who will pay the price for our government’s arrogance and recklessness, and the American people won’t ever forget the irresponsible actions of this Administration and Democratic Majority. After all, government answers to the people, not the other way around. I’m asking my colleagues to join me in repealing this monstrosity of a bill.”

Okay, Ms. Bullhorn, answer to the people. Minn. Independent ran that above press release quote, with this report of a repealer bill in the hopper even before the President signed the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," under Bachmann's personal lead authorship-sponsorship, and Minn. Independent also published the following online image of her bill proposal [click the image to enlarge and read]:

Okay, Ms. Bullhorn, answer to the people. Why is bullhorning and Hannitying and Becking not enough, this time, as it's always been so satisfactory in the past?

Is a special ox being gored?

There is a prosperous multi-site local Minnesota business in the background, with all those fine and dedicated Christian employees, read the bio statements, here. Look at each face, matching each employee bio.

Now, if you were prospering from such a thing as this Marcus and Michele venture; the business being "Bachmann & Associates, Inc.," and if such prosperity had put you into a more-than-a-million dollar McMansion in Washington County, would you feel it to be something of a duty to provide healthcare coverage to such a fine employee-group? Previously during Michele Bachmann's first run for Congress it was reported by Eric Black, then with Strib and now with MinnPost but apparently not asking the question again that he asked back then, but it was reported this health provider clinic was not providing health care coverage to employees.

This bill that Bullhorn Bachmann would kill would either tax the Bachmann family clinic, or they would be providing employee coverage. That's what the bill says.

It does not sound un-American to me to expect those making money off the backs of others would have to provide such a just thing as a tax or coverage. Is that overreaching in your view?

I do not know what the situation at that clinic is now, I could guess, but the question now has to be put out for the voters and press to ask, to confront the Bullhorn lady with, "Is the clinic staff now covered?" Yes, would be one answer. No would be the other. Or there could be a lot of Bullhorn slung out without a definite yes or no answer.

It needs to be asked, is the requirement that the Bachmann health clinic provide healthcare coverage what makes this bill "arrogance and recklessness, and the American people won’t ever forget the irresponsible actions of this Administration and Democratic Majority."

In the words of Bullhorn Bachmann's own press release, "government answers to the people, not the other way around."

People might want to know the situation there at that clinic, so Bullhorn lady, shoot straight with no Bullhorn this time, just a quiet simple answer.

Is your own ox being gored, and is that what makes it in your view necessary to solicit "colleagues to join me in repealing this monstrosity of a bill."?

Come clean on the question, stow all the Bullhorn rhetoric, and give a straight answer.

More Bullhorn, straight from the bull. Bachmann on Face the Nation, Bullhorning her facts. Please read the item. It is enlightening. Dump Bachmann siezed on one particular factual falsehook, concerning the New England Journal of Medicine, and I will follow up on that idea and focus.

I have linked to the New England Journal of Medicine, and she misstates, intentionally, that journal's editorial position. See, e.g., here, here, here, or most recently, here and here. To see how this troublesome twit is twisting truth, go to the Journal's back-issue browsing page, and browse backward for a thread of consistent publicly available policy-related content; this link.

These two items from an earlier NEJM issue, from Feb. of this year, here and here; form your own opinion whether the understandings of this journal's editorial staff in choosing content in the first linked item fits in with Michele Bachmann's view of what's best for the Bachmann clinic such as it is grounded in religious mythos, vs. movement from a cottage industry mentality into 21st century practice norms? And does the second linked item resonate with GOP market based love-the-status-quo insurance-industrial complex rationing and pricing, or is it more resonant with applying allocation principles based on some better or at least different measure of ideality and effectiveness?

Go figure.

It is Maureen Reed's professional area of expertise, and she would not Bullhorn you the way Bachmann Bullhorns up her convenient if untrue or misstated facts. Tarryl Clark, while not as learned in the field, is honest and would not Bullhorn around will false made-up stuff either.

There's only one Bullhorner in the Sixth District political pasture. Michele Bachmann.

The ABC online piece about the Face the Nation falsehoods ends, where the question belongs:

"I think that we need to repeal Obamacare," Bachmann continued in the interview. "We need to be all about the American people. That's why I oppose Obamacare and why I believe we must repeal it."

She closed with, "Repeal most certainly is in the best interest of the people because this bill will lead to economic harm if it's left in place."

 Are we left to guess whether she's saying something is in the best interest of "We the People," or in the best interest of the people owning Bachmann & Associates, Inc.? And whose "economic harm" is preeminent in the Michele Bachmann mind?

As Jack Webb said on the old TV Dragnet show, "Just the facts, Ma'am."