
Sunday, March 28, 2010

ACORN would have my vote, if it ran against Col. Kline. But is it old enough to vote?

This link, for the screen shot. A hat tip to Janet O'Connell for the e-newsletter notice. And ACORN, it's a non-profit, but I think any corporation should run, not only the for-profits. It is a matter of fair and uniform treatment of all corporate persons equally.

Question: With ACORN facing bankruptcy, would political office be an asset up for sale in a bankruptcy proceeding of a corporate person? It appears to not be, for human office holders, not explicitly, for sale in any context. Second question: The voting franchise is forfeited upon commission of a felony, by a human, so what rule would govern corporations?

What about a corporate office holder, in a hostile takeover situation? You cannot have a hostile takeover of a human. Why not ban it for a corporate person, it being Supreme Court fancy to equate the two forms of "personhood," and why draw -artificial- lines?

Cargill for President.

Halliburton for Veep!

Wait, never mind. We've already had that.