
Friday, February 19, 2010

Tea Party malcontents have cause to fear an attempted GOP hijack. Now with all that right-wing noise, what about progressives?

This link, mid-story.

This earlier Crabgrass item.

Will it swamp the GOP, or vice versa?

A progressive awakening should be next. Neither of the two parties represents those who have progressive thoughts. The Dems simply take them for granted. As in, where else would they go?

It is insulting. It is making me think more and more that primary challenges in Minnesota have value. Do I identify more with Mark Dayton? He has the opportunity to bypass certain obstacles, and does. Others without the bankroll are stymied.

It makes me think about the Sixth District DFL primary, which has a bright challenger facing a bright legislator. I see it as good for the DFL and the District. Not a problem. I hope it is a well-contested, close race. Closing ranks afterward, given Michele Bachmann as opponent; that should be a no-brainer for whichever of the DFL candidates gets fewer votes. I started out liking Clark. Reed looks better and better, and the name Tinklenberg surfacing as it did just adds to Reed's appeal.