
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nutso Bachmann strkes again. Let's become a third world country with a massive army, seems to be her perspective.

A hat tip to the Tarryl Clark campaign for emailing notice of the item at this link.

Click to enlarge the screenshot and read it, and readers with sufficient time should go to the original link to read the complete item. I bet the handlers who want to keep the seat in the GOP get frustrated, and want to shove a sock into her mouth until after November. To me this is far, far, far worse than her last cycle Hardball thing about wanting neo-McCarthyism. This is 180 degrees the wrong way from someone like John Marty, who wants the wealth of the still wealthiest nation history has known to be reprioritized toward social justice.

This is pure insanity.

Pure Michele Bachmann.

Crazy. Nutso!

And when the adverse winds are felt she will claim to be misquoted. Picked on.

Defeat this menace to good government, please, in the general election in November.

A further hat tip to the Tarryl Clark people, for a link to more from the loony people on the dark side of the GOP; here, linking to here. And may they unfold themselves and assure that yet more seats are lost by those never deserving them in the first place. May the flame out on their own awful rhetoric and pseudo-economics and made up trillions of fear mongering dollars of worry here, there, and everywhere alleged by the unreliable ex-disc jockey Glen Becks of the nation.

May they fall overboard dumping tea chests into the sea.

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Is this the stuff upon which sound foreign policy is based? Superstitions and simplistic creed, where pragmatic truth and steady studied analysis should hold sway? It is scary not for the conclusion others reach by rational analysis, it is scary because of the entire refusal to consider rational analysis in forming biases one way or the other. Disdain for rational bases as a grounding for policy opinions is a scary thing.

Moreover, DumpBachmann, here, publishes some dollars and cents sense, something Bachmann has not publicly addressed and explained - repeated lavish free lobbyist-compensated Israeli tourist-season junketing in ways that do not match her legislative committee assignments, nor the problems faced daily by families trying to cope in the Sixth District she is supposed to represent, as they face fallout from the Bush-Cheney-Paulson bailout and crash aftershocks.

She seems to not care about suffering in the district, when war on the other side of the world is apparently a well compensated Bachmann agenda item gaining intense and repeated attention.

I suppose we in the district should "wean" ourselves from thinking we deserve fair attention from someone sent to Congress by the district. As if it is quaint thinking that government should be fair in addition to being mighty.

Why should Justice blindly hold scales in balance? Isn't the sword enough?

________FINAL UPDATE__________
The email I opened with the link to the Bachmann "wean" quote was from the Clark people. Strib, here, reports that Jason Isaacson of the Reed campaign was also attentive to the Bachmann "wean" statements.

Both campaigns are well focused on the incumbent and her self-belittling rhetoric, rather than belittling one another, to Bachmann's advantage.