
Monday, February 01, 2010

No credibility to these "progressives." They let the Rybak people pack the house.

This operation. Calling themselves progressive.

Put bluntly, if R.T. Rybak is more progressive than John Marty or Mark Dayton, then I am a monkey's uncle. Obama apparently still has coat tails, with some.

But get serious.

They are democratic in letting those join who wish to, and joiners vote; and the Rybak people took advantage of the process.

One out of three, Thissen, is a reasonable choice. But when the clearly most progressive candidate in the field comes in fourth, and next most fifth, the horse race has been fixed.

Rachel Stassen-Berger reports the semi farce, Strib, this link. Their "progressive" membership - and be glad if you did not send this group any money - voted as follows, per reporting in the Strib item:

R.T. Rybak 336 votes
Paul Thissen 264 votes
Margaret Anderson-Kelliher 261 votes
John Marty 250 votes
Mark Dayton 138 votes
Matt Entenza 105 votes
Steve Kelley 104 votes
Tom Rukavina 92 votes
Tom Bakk 48 votes
Susan Gaertner 46 votes

Gaertner must have had 46 relatives show up.

They got it right on the bottom three, but not the top.

Again, be glad if you are a progressive who did not put good money into this situation.

Do they give refunds? Some should ask.

R. T. Rybak????????