
Thursday, February 04, 2010

Minnesota Governor DFL candidate Steve Kelley drops from the contest.

As one on my short list, it leaves in order of decreasing choice, John Marty, Mark Dayton, and Paul Thissen, among active remaining candidates. If choosing a fourth, it would be Margaret Anderson Kelliher, but there's a gap between my favorites, and her.

Betty McCollum endorsed Kelley, and we can await notice from her of whether she will endorse another or express support for the ultimate endorsed DFL candidate.

It was reported less than a half hour ago, online, by Strib; this link, this excerpt:

DFLer Steve Kelley drops from governor's race

Posted by Rachel E. Stassen-Berger
Last update: February 4, 2010 - 4:31 PM

His note to supporters:

Thank you for being part of my campaign to transform Minnesota. I have been continually grateful for your words of encouragement, your advice, volunteer work and financial support over the last year. I am one of the fortunate Minnesotans who has had the opportunity to see firsthand the spirit of involvement that thrives in our state.

Even with your support, and the amazingly hard work of a dedicated and talented campaign team, I have not been as successful as we had hoped when the campaign began. As a result, I have decided to withdraw from the race for governor.

[...] You have been generous in your support. One of the sad outcomes of this decision is that I will have fewer opportunities to work with you to make Minnesota the kind of place we see in our best dreams. I intend to return to my work at the Humphrey Institute where I have been privileged to be able to serve Minnesota.

I also intend to support the DFL-endorsed candidate for governor. To repair the damage done to our state, we must endorse a candidate in April, unite behind that candidate and win in November. Our fellow citizens deserve a DFL Governor in January 2011.


Read the entire statement, at the Strib link given above. By withdrawing this early in the process, and stating an intent to support the endorsed candidate, if any, the impact on Kelley supporters moving on to the Senate District Convention appears to be that they are fully free to see what other option they might prefer with Kelly not suggesting throwing support in any particular way.

Whether Kelley, now out of the governor's race, becomes at all active in endorsing or helping any MN 6 congressional candidate is something time will tell. He might in congressional races adopt a similar deference to decisions of the endorsement process.