
Monday, February 22, 2010

The Maureen Reed campaign in the Sixth Congressional District Remains Positioned to Challenge for Endorsement.

While it appears fairly certain that Reed will run in a primary if not endorsed, this past Sunday the campaign released a press-public emailing:

Here’s what happened yesterday in the 6th Congressional District endorsing conventions: we received a majority of the eight delegates available from Senate Districts 17 and 53. In the largest Senate District convening yesterday, 19, the “Reed for Congress” named subcaucus was twice as large as any other subcaucus, and we were able to tie Tarryl Clark in the delegate count there.

We are so excited that delegates are open to our message of Maureen’s real world experience and common sense solutions. We are having a great time at all the conventions and want to thank everyone for their commitment to changing the way Washington works.

Maureen and Tarryl Clark also participated in a debate in SD19 where they discussed electability, creating jobs, and health care. We want to thank everyone in SD19 who helped to make this debate happen. It is so important for delegates to get the chance to see the candidates square off on the issues that matter to them. We certainly hope for more debates and know Maureen will say yes to every invitation she receives.

In the past few weeks we participated in conventions in Benton County, Sherburne County, SD18, and SD49. While we are still in the early stages of the endorsement process, we have been overwhelmed by the support we’ve received so far.

We have been told time and time again that we do not stand a chance in the convention process. But we know it is important to participate, regardless of the result, out of respect for the DFLers who donate their time and energy on our behalf.

I like the tone of the communication as much as any of the detail. It is promising of a "take the high road" campaign from both the Reed and the Clark people, in this instance from the Reed camp.

While Clark is a very sound candidate and appears better positioned with DFL insiders, the union endorsements indicating that, Reed is a very bright and savvy candidate who, if elected, would be less dependent on alliances within the two party system in Minnesota, and more independent to think about those who have befriended her campaign in diverse ways, but without owing anyone any favors and probably with contributors not expecting anything that way. Clark has shown her agenda is sufficiently in line with some powerful and supportive voices within the DFL, but there, also, I have not seen any support suggesting any quid pro quo as much as support for past record and achievements and belief in continuity.

It will be an interesting period between now and convention decisions, and, the ultimate test, the general election. The key would be, if there is a DFL MN 6 primary that support tighten after that point for the winner, because more Michele Bachmann would be a shame with two far, far superior options this cycle. Hopefully any primary would be focused on Bachmann deficiencies and who in replacing her offers more promise as a Congressperson, by emphasis from each DFL candidate of positive aspects she offers, without any negative dimensions except in terms of the job Bachmann has done. Reed and Clark each have such outstanding statures that each can tout, without having to say much at all about the other. That is a most fortunate thing where the goal is to unseat Michele Bachmann.

The Klobuchar victory numbers, by county indicate that Stearns was barely 50% for Klobucher, but Wright and Shereburne were decisively pro-Kennedy, the only part of the Sixth District he won. I realize that does not answer the debate in the comments, about Clark's Senate district, but it's all I have and the source page is no longer up at the Secretary of State's website. This link. Does anyone have the Klobuchar-Kennedy breakdowns by Minnesota's Senate or House districts, ideally in a map format? I think it was posted at the SoS site before last election, but they change things, as soon as you get used to a layout, it's different. Any reader help would be appreciated.