
Saturday, February 13, 2010

I never knew a site like this existed. I saw a blog link. I am astounded by all the linkages. I oppose intrusion by law into freedoms of others.

They don't want to pay taxes. They support wars that kill people. They don't care about the welfare of other living, sentient, breathing, walking, suffering true humans.

These people are sick. Sick on mythologies that have caused untold death and destruction in European history, and the founding fathers wanted their beliefs separated from acts and statutes and constraints governments might impose. The founders of the nation, and wave that flag if you agree, treasured freedom.

If that does not mean freedom from those wanting to tell me what to do because someone in a pulpit tells them to want that, there's a problem in their machinery. Not mine. I have enough polls on the sidebar, but I bet I could get response pro or con on this post. No comments relating to this post will be published.

For an interesting view of Christ, capitalism, and curriculum interacting, try thinking about the difference between a "living" Constitution, and an "enduring" one, and get through the entire article, here, to see how insinuation goes hand in hand with direct assault on clear thought and sound education.

So is the truth that Michele Bachmann where she is now is less seditious in impact upon the wall between church and state than had her initial assault for membership on the local school board succeeded, or had her effort been a success, to put thinly-hidden creationism into Minnesota's science curriculum?

Her being the talking idiot-face of a GOP minority is not a threat for now. The threat is in November's outcome.