
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Have you noticed how God is used as excuse for ambition, but seldom gets credit for quelling an idea? God should get a broom and sweep SD 48 next.

Screenshot, this link. It would not surprise me to see strong support for wanting God to consider gender equality in SD 48. However, God might need to kick start a few to counter established habit and beliefs. Remember the Ninteenth Amendment is less than a century old. For those liking timelines, here or here.

I can only speak for myself, not others.

Yet, I would enjoy seeing myself represented by a state senator wanting to:

-- Challenge disparity

-- Acknowledge diversity

-- Require accountability and transparency

.............more on that later...............

Remember, with little else said beyond a repeated challenge to global warming, after a while the script becomes trite.

That is especially so, if the importance of accomplishments and alliances gets downplayed in the trumpeting; as if local "accountability and transparency" were of no equivalent concern to local folks; as if "disparity" were not a governmental concern, but private sector trickle down somehow were a natural thing doing what's best for all and best not questioned.