
Friday, February 26, 2010

EPA holds Polymet Draft Environmental Impact Statement deficient.

Earlier I posted on the matter of sulfide mining risks and Polymet, the Carlson bill, our precinct caucus resolution, the Friends of the Boundary Waters viewpoints, and how I would prefer seeing Tom Bakk, (and Tom Rukavina) strongly endorse not only the job potential of doing it, but safe practices and escrow assurances in the event it is done.

This is an update. Duluth News Tribune,here, among other news outlets reported that the firm's draft environmental impact statement was held deficient by the EPA. The EPA acting regional administrator's paperwork on the deficiencies is online, here.

A site criticizing Sen. Franken for being too much an unquestioning cheerleader, here. No surprise, the same item notes Oberstar endorses it too.

Earlier with suitable graphics, during the Coleman attempt to hold onto the Wellstone seat (pre-election, pre-recount), the Masabi Daily News was quoted in Crabgrass, here, endorsing Coleman, not Franken, stating:

Coleman has been a champion of mining initiatives, including his wholehearted support of non-ferrous ventures of PolyMet near Hoyt Lakes and Franconia Minerals on Birch Lake near Babbitt.

At least that dimension of things is history, even if Al's off-base on protections in being too much a champion of the cause. And that site jumping on Al, the Lake Superior Mining News site, looks generally interesting - on mining news "up north."

I suppose that wraps it up, except for the hope to have a seasoned and most respected Minnesota voice on mining issues weigh in, the screenshot being from this link. Click the thumbnail to enlarge and read. I have little doubt that Strib or PiPress would gladly accept any opinion-editorial item that Judge Lord might have time to author, about the newer nonferrous mining issues, and how his experiences with taconite mining might convince him of the best way to proceed when some of the environmental harm issues differ, but are of an equally serious nature.