
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Abusive misuse of a security service that should function to help web users avoid malicious malware sites.

Some special breed of idiot did this. Andy Aplikowski blogs his political opinion, this link, Residual Forces being the site name, and it represents GOP leaning political speech of the kind deserving greatest respect as Constitutionally blessed (despite disagreements any reader may have about policy).

The reality is an individual human being, not some corporation or special interest group at work, a person with opinions who publishes them on the web. And he does that without any intent but to state his views and perhaps convince some readers or make other readers reevaluate their own feelings and thoughts. Blogging as it is supposed to be. Nothing but that.

There exists an add-on that Firfox and Google Chrome browsers allow users to install, Web of Trust or WOT, where the aim is for a user community to post ratings of safe sites or of ones that install spyware tracking, malware such as trojans or worms or viruses, or that make an effort at identity theft or other things sound websites do not do.

The trustworthiness and value of the service rests in its accuracy, and misuse of rating access for a site is, hence, an abomination since it deludes users into thinking a safe site is less than safe, or that a troublesome site is safe. Either way, it is a rating situation among volunteer users of the installed add-on which any sentient user would want to have as reliable as possible.

Some unsound moron went and rated Andy's site derisively, when there's not a thing wrong with it technically, or with how Andy maintains it and interfaces to the reading public.

Whoever did that suffers from deranged stupidity, and holds malice toward all who rely on the WOT service for avoiding evil websites that can ruin security of a workstation if accessed.

It is not right by any sensible measure for some deviant to exercise some political or personal grudge against another in ways that are unfair, first, and a nuisance to the reliance of others on a well-intentioned web service. Whoever did this deserves to be keelhauled across a barnacle laden hull. End of rant.

Not quite end - one final chorus -- Readers, don't be stupid. Don't do that kind of mean and disrespectful kind of thing to Andy, his readers, or others. It has no place in civil society.