
Friday, January 29, 2010

Why not try self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, not in New York City but Eveleth, in the Hockey Hall of Fame building?

It would mean jobs. Guv candidates Bakk and Rukavina should like the idea. It would focus national attention on the Iron Range and create jobs. All attending press and counsel would have to book into local hotel housing, and that means jobs. And the venue, a chance for the world to learn about high culture in Minnesota, while providing jobs.

Beyond that, why the hockey hall of fame? Several reasons. Besides being a statewide tribute to Eveleth and its expression of Minnesota culture, the legislature recently put good statewide taxpayer money into its upgrade and maintenance. It would be, like a return on investment, for us all - not just the Eveleth population, and the flocks of tourists the hall already attracks. It would be a focal event. And jobs. They could build a new wing, on the history of the trial there. Construction is an economic sitmulus. I am sure the legislature would fund it. They funded such before. So, make it habit.

And that would not be pork barrel, not from Rep. Rukavina, but true need. And pride in Eveleth being "The place the 9/11 Mastermind met Justice." It would have lasting tourism effect. It would mean jobs.

If you are staging a show trial, what better place?

And according to Strib it supposedly would make Indiana politician Mike Pence happy since he says he emphatically does not want the trial in New York City, and somehow that's related to his district and duties:

Embracing a position that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has taken, Rep. Mike Pence said Friday it is "a terrible idea to return the mastermind of 9/11 to the scene of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history." The Indiana Republican commented on ABC's "Good Morning America" a day after Bloomberg appealed to Attorney General Eric Holder to reconsider the prosecutorial strategy.

Pence said he believes some congressional Democrats will join Republicans in seeking legislation to block funding for security-related costs if the administration doesn't back down.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said Thursday he has introduced a bill that would prohibit the use of Justice Department funds to try Guantanamo detainees in federal civilian courts. Hours later, New York Gov. David Paterson said he wants discussion with federal officials on the issue of venue.

Last month, the Obama administration announced that professed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others would be tried in federal court in lower Manhattan.

Bloomberg said he called Holder to lobby for moving the trial outside lower Manhattan. They spoke Thursday afternoon; both sides declined to comment afterward.

Bloomberg initially supported the Manhattan trial decision, declaring: "It is fitting that 9/11 suspects face justice near the World Trade Center site, where so many New Yorkers were murdered."

But the mayor this week reversed from what he said in November, when the administration announced its plans.

"Unless the administration comes to its senses and abandons this absurd idea," Pence said Friday, "the Republicans, and I suspect some Democrats, will abandon funding."

Well, if Pence does not want the business boost from a show trial in New York City, where does he want it? His own district, probably. Or what, hold the trial and attract world wide attention to the French Lick Railroad Museum, bring the luster and jobs there, is that Pence's motive?

Boost business for the resort hotels and casino? Make it a basketball promotion, Larry Bird and all that, instead of an opportunity to showcase America's sport, hockey?

Look at that Pence photo. Arm out. Hand out. It looks like putting the grab on, to me. Is the local chamber of commerce pushing Pence, is that it?

I say there are the regional Minnesota chambers of commerce that can push back. Look at the side image, Eveleth stands as the very heart of Minnesota, and it's proud residents will tell you that. Good possible Minnesota jobs, to go to Indiana? No way I say.

I say undercut that Indiana opportunism. Make it the greatest show on ice, putting the Sheikh on ice, in the ice hall of fame. What better imagery. Think of that possible new wing to the Hall. A giant mural, trial lawyers depicted as opposition players on the ice. The trial judge dropping the puck for a face-off. The Sheikh, where else but in the penalty box? And by the way, that's a face any team's hockey goon would covet, isn't it? Even if he cannot skate, the face seems to suggest he's got the meanness. For hockey goons that's what counts. It's what motivates the will to bring to grief the other team's best skater.

Hold the trial in Eveleth in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Bottom line. Do it.

Just, there is a problem with air traffic there - I would not want Al Franken flying into Eveleth out of Fridley, no way, ya betcha. Not with Franken in the Wellstone seat now. One plane, one Senator taken down is enough.

Leaving that sombre note aside, however, there is the overarching argument. Jobs.