
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do these operatives have to hide? Why do they hate America's free press?

The story is here, Strib's version. Read it.

Does any reader know of any justification these political operatives offer for their largely secret attempting to divert tea bag discontent to the GOP are hiding their skulduggery?

If so leave an explanation in the comments.

Who will be there, who will be collecting the money the attendees pay, how will that bundle of cash be spent, whose pocket gets lined?

What appearance fee [I will not call it honorarium for this thing, those people] what appearance fee will Michele Bachmann be handed? Ditto, Sarah Palin?

Will the press, even when excluded, do all it can to follow the money?

That is the least we should expect, a press effort, if they can get the conspiracy of silence to break at some stage, some point, some inside person.

Do they all intend to dress like savages and dump some Opryland stage items, hotel furniture, whatever, into the Nashville harbor? Reenact the Tea Party old days?