
Monday, January 11, 2010

This honks me off greatly. Someone is bargaining my email address and I think that is shabby.

I got an email:

Rep. Tony Sertich
to Eric Zaetsch
date Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 2:30 PM
subject Your Fight Against a Unilateral Governor


As the New Year begins, we all tend to look at the future and establish priorities to accomplish. Our priority is to the Democratic principles of making life a little easier and a little better for everyone.

[...] The Republicans will be working hard to defeat us, and we will have to fight harder than ever to ensure the ongoing success of our Majority. Half term Governor Sarah Palin even came to town to help fundraiser for a PAC dedicated to defeat House Democrats in Minnesota.

Can we count on you to help by making a contribution of $15, $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford? Click HERE to donate online. Your financial contribution will be used to build a strong, local grassroots effort to maintain a majority dedicated to fighting for affordable health care, better schools and economic policies that get people working again.

We know the power when individuals come together in a cause. Thank you in advance for your support.


Tony Sertich
Majority Leader


Tony, you most assuredly CANNOT count on me to provide money.

Tony, who the f*** gave you my email address?

Has anyone else felt very, very, very violated that way?

It bothers me greatly.

I provide my email address cautiously. Not to Tony.

So why am I being shaken down like this for money by this dude????????

I MOST ASSUREDLY want to know who's been trafficing in my privacy. I expect an email reply, including a groveling apology - it would be proper, but most importantly, an email disclosure revealing who has compromised my privacy this way.

Did I overreact? An email sent me suggests so:

Sorry Eric I shall stop writing your email addresses on bathroom walls, I really thought you were looking for a good time Margaret

Look on the Bright Side -- At least she wrote it in a DFL stall. Also, I suppose GOP and "a good time" might be mutually exclusive possibilities.