
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PiPress reports DFL Sixth District challengers Maureen Reed and Tarryl Clark hold equal balances after fourth quarter fundraising.

This link, written in terms of released data for Maureen Reed and Tarryl Clark.

It is unclear to me whether the report is based on summary press releases, or whether the FEC detailed filings for the fourth quarter of 2009 have been submitted. Pesuming that lack of links to FEC data means press release numbers are the basis of reporting, we might need to check the FEC pages after early February DFL caucuses, to view detailed income and expenses.

In any event each of the two have about $390 thousand cash on hand.

Bachmann, as incumbent, will always have an advantage in terms of money, even without the Citizens United decision on corporate giving.

That decision probably favors Bachmann.