
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mark Dayton in the north metro news (ECM Hometown Source). He does not mince words.

This link, source of the screenshot. As always click on the image to enlarge and read:

You have to love plain speaking:

Dayton had a quick answer to the question whether he was running a class warfare-style campaign. “You can read my lips; Tax the rich,” said Dayton in his speech. But Dayton indicated he was responding, not trying to incite in his comments. “I didn’t start the war,” he said of class against class.

That field's been badly tilted the wrong way for years and years. Before Reagan even.

The man wants to level the playing field, and I support that. He wants to be fair to everyone, instead of handing out benefits to the rich and super-rich. And you cannot say he's jealous. He's got a bundle and would pay a higher tax on the income it earns, exactly as he'd want other super wealthy individuals to do. He'd not carve out any exceptions or exemptions for himself and family. He's honest that way, unlike the Big Oil lobbyists who have been jiggering the federal tax code and regs for years to avoid paying fair taxes.