
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Joe Repya announces an Independence Party run for Governor. What would Ron Paul say?

Those wanting to manage the GOP and co-opt as yet unaffiliated Tea Party sentiments; i.e., the sponsors and speakers behind the holding of Opryland get-togethers and such while setting a pay-to-play threshold for that game which appears well beyond the discretionary spending habits of most Tea Party believers; are probably folks already somewhat uneasy about Ron Paul, and now they will have Joe Repya to kick around.

Representative coverage of the Repya candidacy news is here, here (source of the photo by T.W. Budig), and here, with blogging here. A few earlier items about Repya are online here, here, here (video), here, and here.

From what I have seen about belief sets, I don't see that Repya is that far from Scott Brown, (the newly elected Senator from Massachusetts). How he decided to go IP instead of GOP is unclear to me, but the above links have information.

Is Joe Repya closer in his belief set to Tom Emmer, or Marty Siefert?

I expect many on the political spectrum in Minnesota calling themselves "conservatives" would be better equipped to answer that than I could, where I would only have an outsider's guess.

With Repya having chosen an IP run for governor, it would be interesting to know what former Sixth District IP candidate for Congress, Bob Anderson, might say about Repya as a candidate and person, if they know one another.

Nontrivial reader comments analyzing this situation are welcome. I am unsure what it will mean months from now, on election day.