
Friday, January 22, 2010

It is the campaign manager for Maureen Reed expressing the opinion, but the final quarter of 2009 cash flow was credible.

How it stacks up to others is a matter awaiting others to disclose. My understanding is that Jan 30, is the deadline for federal FEC filings for the final quarter of 2009.

We wait. We see. The Reed campaign, by email, noted:

I want to share with you our latest fund raising numbers for the last quarter of 2009. With your help and generosity Maureen raised over $200,000 in the last quarter – a significant increase from our last report! What’s even more important is that individuals made up 99% of our donors, and, we raised our money without any high profile political endorsements.

What’s the secret to our success? Our candidate.

People are responding well to Maureen’s real world approach to solving the problems facing the sixth district. Her energy, hard work and experience give people the confidence they need in these tough times – they need to know there is a candidate who will make their needs a priority. Maureen brings a fresh perspective to public service and will not take any voter for granted.

As we all saw in Massachusetts, the frontrunner who had high profile endorsements and a great deal of money in the bank thought her victory was inevitable. She stopped working hard after the primary and expected to win. And, sadly, she was out hustled by someone who no one thought had a chance.

Maureen will never, ever stop working to earn your support! She is getting support from Democrats, Independents, and even moderate Republicans – and will build on this coalition to beat Michele Bachmann.

With our esteemed Justices opining as they did, corporations, unions, all such can dump enough cash into the district to sink a cruise ship. More money in than little Tea Baggers can collect and throw overboard, bless them.

Bachmann's wheels will get greased, she's been the Wall Street darling of the House Financial Services Committee.

Corporations - Speak for Michele.

Bark, and roll over.

Don't mess with tens, twenties, fifties, roll in the Loomis trucks, unload for Bachmann.