
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haitians were not visited by an earthquake because of sin. Tom Pritchard is an idiot. And we love Google cache defeating website scrubbing low-lifes.

I have commented before how Tom Pritchard of Minnisota Family Council is not pro-Family, in essential ways, this link.

Now I believe there's the distinct air of mendacity about the man. Hat tip to a recent anonymous blogger who sent in the comment on that post Jan. 26, 2010, at about noon - go to the post and read that comment.

Then, to see the quality of Tom Pritchard standing behind his beliefs, as a first step try this search:

Well, that cite is from a Google = minneosta family council haiti

This screenshot - and note the red, for the hit that gave the results that link produced when, today Jan. 26, 2010, at 3 pm, I did the google and tried the link:

Right, our old friend Google Cache to the rescue. It saved what was a low-life scrub.

This screen shot, with the highlighting by Google, on the cache [see top text] where the search words show up.

Ask yourself, if this is something Tom Pritchard believes, he posts it. But then, do you think his belief changes, or is he a simple town hypocrite by scrubbing it when he saw the press reaction to the Pat Robertson parallel stupidity? You answer that. Not me. I do, however, have an opinion. To me the steps taken show insincerity, bending too much with the wind, and cowardice.

The man, if he has the courage to attempt to maintain a shread of credibility, should repost the item, with an update apologizing for having said it in the first place and then apologizing for having pulled it and being caught and having to republish it because anything less would be a deceit upon the public. Or, he can be silent. And continue being exactly who, what he is.

- non screenshot image from here -

Scrubbing at that site appears to have reached beyond this one instance; per Minn Independent reporting, here. The comment referenced at the beginning did not link to the Minn. Independent item. Had I seen it first, I would have known that Andy Birkey had flagged the one Google Cache, and another I learned of there, with background. Read his report. He had a Pritchard comment offered in explanation of the scrubbing. I still feel harsh about it. You publish, you have second thoughts, you keep it up and update it with your renewed viewpoint. You don't just pull it back as if it had never been published, without a word of why a retraction was made. That's questionable practice. I recall I have updated at least two posts, as I recall, indicating I pulled the trigger prematurely on one, and that I had reached an agreement on the other to delete a part.