
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

EMILY's list - a formal Tarryl Clark Endorsement in Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District contest.

Two of Minnesota's leading DFL legislators seeking other offices so far have gained EMILY's List formal endorsement. Earlier Crabgrass featured the Kelliher endorsement, this link.

NOW, as of yesterday, Jan 5, include Tarryl Clark as being our second legislaror so endorsed.

-- Two links, Polinaut; here; and Minnesota Progressive Project; here; give text of the press release - statement endorsing Clark.

For further media coverage, see Strib here, Minn Post here, and PiPress, briefly, here and here. Rather than repeat that - please visit the links for the full statement - Crabgrass presents a screenshot excerpt - click it to enlarge and read - from the Emily's List website at this page, on Clark; (for interested readers, this link, on other EMILY's List endorsed candidates).

Well, the anti-progressive, anti-family choice, anti-DFL voice has been raised, the ultra-right wing True North site noting:

Republican Party Chairman Tony Sutton issued this statement on Tarryl's latest endorsement:

Today's endorsement of Tarryl Clark by the far-left group EMILY's List is yet another indication that Clark is out-of-touch with the families of the sixth congressional district. EMILY's List only supports candidates who support the 'right' to partial-birth-abortions and oppose parental notification for minors. If Clark thinks her blatant disregard for human life will help her succeed on Election Day, she is greatly mistaken.

Normally, I cringe a little bit when I read the term out of touch because it frequently is used when more vivid descriptions can be used. This time, I wholeheartedly agree that Tarryl's views on abortion are totally out-of-step with CD-6. In 2006, a writer for MSNBC called CD-6 "the Bible Belt of the North." That's an accurate depiction of CD-6.

When President Bush campaigned in St. Cloud in 2004, he noted in his speech that Central Minnesota had a high Catholic population, which meant that this is a strong pro-life district.

That right-wing item is cross-posted, here.

Not all of the Sixth District is polarized the way the True North writer indicates. There are a substantial number of progressive thinkers in the district, believing that families are best positioned to make their size and timing decisions themselves, they have the liberty and right that way, and that others should cease wanting to tell free Americans how to live and choose and exercise freedom. Constraints others would put on individual and family freedom are viewed as intrusion by a good number of sensible people in the district. The Clark candidacy and the progressive endorsements she has attained show that. And, may the DFL endorsement challenger, Maureen Reed, publicly be equally pro-freedom and pro-liberty in supporting family liberty in making family choices as Clark is and has been. Intrusive interference in family choice matters by the government, or private parties is okay with the GOP, who nonetheless posture as if they value liberties. They don't, or they would not go down that abusive and intursive road as they repeatedly and happily have. They are hypocrites, first rate hypocrites, that way.

For those reading the screenshot, not going to the EMILY's List page, you cannot work the "Make a contribution" toggle from the image, so to contribute:

It's important to know that the toggle opens to a page where you can earmark a Clark donation, as well as give a general donation to the organization.

_____FURTHER UPDATE_______
While giving to EMILY's List is good because it spreads the wealth, the Sixth District has two capable challengers to the incumbent, and it's often best and easiest to give directly instead of routing and earmarking via third parties.

The Tarryl Clark direct contribution page is here.

The Maureen Reed direct contribution page is here.