
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Early polling in the governor race.

Today Strib (this link) reported of a poll of DFL primary voters conducted by Rasmussen, a national polling firm, showing Mark Dayton at 34%, followed by R.T. Rybak at 25%, Margaret Anderson Kelliher at 12%, and Matt Entenza at 5%; among DFL candidates for governor. Among Republicans results were Norm Coleman at 52%, followed by Marty Seifert and Tom Emmer at 9%.

Strib gives the poll link, here.

My exurban GOP insider barometer website, Residual Forces, shows Andy there not thinking much of Coleman for governor, nor thinking much of TARP or Democrats either. This link.

On the GOP side of things, if I had to go outside of declared candidates to find a favorite, I would like Nasser Kazeminy.