
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dominos are falling in Ramsey Townhomes. Craigslist.

This link, for full detail and more pics. Or click the image to enlarge and read and get the gist of the offering.

I do not know if the shared-wall Townhome market is depressed worse than the single family detatched housing. It appears there's little to none, in terms of new building in either segment.

Some were saying the market would rebound, late summer, 2009.

It's been here and is gone.

Any bets on late summer, 2010; or sooner; or later?

You would think the amount sought as down payment would be published. Not that I could find on the linked item. $149/month is interesting, but what's the up front cash that's being sought, that's always a factor in anyone's decision making.