
Monday, January 18, 2010

DFL - Precinct caucus info, locations for City of Ramsey residents, and one key form.

The DFL website is not the easiest navigation experience, so here are helpful hints.

For generic caucus info, this link.

For City of Ramsey residents, all precincts attend the same building, this link.

Proposing Platform Amendment Language: There is online a 2010 caucus-ready form, for proposing "an Action Agenda item" and "an Ongoing Platform amendment" [same form for each, don't ask me what an Action Agenda item is, or whose "Action Agenda" for whose actions]. This link, for a printable document in Adobe pdf format (I believe any uncertainty over the form can be resolved at precinct caucus where officials can explain what check-marks apply [so leaving uncertain fields blank until then is a possible m.o.]. The important thing is to have the proposed text ready, and copied if you would want to circulate it for others to read in your precinct and other precincts at the same building. You can attain a vote count regarding precinct approval, per the form bottom info. Again: The form can be downloaded via the first page link, above, or directly; this link. I would like to see single payer healthcare language as DFL party platform policy, and am considering writing my version for review and voting.

NOTE: Any reader caring to clarify by text in a comment or by giving a link in a comment to DFL website content, what an "Action Agenda item" is and how it differs from "an Ongoing Platform amendment," please consider such a helpful step for me and any readers wanting to know precise differences.