
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why Obama won - the relative quality and agelessness of the endorsements?

Yeah, I know it goes back further than the present year, and it's traditionally a current year retrospective. But it's worthy. McCain, he had that Ship of Fools NASCAR stuff, Obama had ACORN - and -

Or was it total quality of the ticket, class all around, that was a more decisive factor?

Concerning class all around there now is a pending custody battle, and Levi Johnston has gone on record opposing anonymity because of being fearful of vindictiveness on the other side. Not Bristol Palin. But -- guess who? This reporting link. This link for court papers. I'd be witch-worrying too were I in his relatively powerless and impecunious position. Sarah and Todd Palin sure went after her trooper-in-law, together the both of them did that, and Johnston is no better equipped to counter vindictive pressure than the Palin sister's former husband, the trooper both Palins tried to have fired without a shred of evidence of any job-related wrong doing. It was by all accounts, sheer spite.

_______FURTHER UPDATE_________
The original posting of court papers was by an Alaska online publication; this reporting link, giving links to download a fuller set of litigation papers. It appears that the child's maternal grandparents are litigious, and have used their personal family lawyer to bully or try to bully others in the past; with the same lawyer appearing to have preemptively filed papers in this instance to bully Levi Johnston. Others can read the court papers differently, but Brad Blog, here and here documents and comments upon prior bullying tactics from this camp of Alaskan special people. It is offensive to me to see that, and the bully tactic appears to have failed both times. As is best, neither fear nor respect were earned by such devices. Some lawyers ... Some clients ...