
Friday, December 04, 2009

Tiger Woods - A major question beyond the personal tabloid breach of privacy - but related. I am glad I had no bet, final round, August at Chaska.

Retrospective screenshot, this link, [where you can read the whole story, beyond excerpting]:

Dwell on those final short paragraphs from the excerpt:

For Woods, it was the second time he has finished runner-up in the PGA Championship at Hazeltine, both times to a surprise winner. Seven years ago, he birdied the last four holes and came up one short of Rich Beem.

This time, Woods made one mistake after another over the last four holes, mostly with his putter.

"I did everything I needed to do, except for getting the ball in the hole," Woods said. "Just didn't make the putts when I needed to make them."

A current screenshot, this Google [with the intent of archiving a current return, with Google searches always subject to change on updating the database]:

Woods' online site has two "statements" the shorter being the earlier; here and here. Aside from revisionism over "the many false rumors" line changing to "let my family down," but still, "no family violence," being asserted while doubt lingers over domestic dispute and the clubbing of the back of the out-bound SUV; aside from all that, do the search yourself, neither statement has any mention of the words "Las Vegas".

Yes he has a right to privacy. Yes the Nike paraphernalia sales might ebb. Yes it probably would be best if a family with children weathers a private personal crisis.

But that begs what in my mind is a bigger raincloud; the bigger shoe to drop beyond a jock chasing all the women he can bed and the possibility of being chased from the house by a golf club swinging spouse ---

If this were a Triple Crown jockey, an NFL quarterback, or a World Series closing pitcher; what would the betting world think of such an individual not only dallying repeatedly, but having it all hinge so very much on Las Vegas as a locale?

Do you, if a betting person, next think twice about betting Woods with a lead going into the final round of a major tournament?

I could be wrong, but even if not a focal press consideration, my suspicion is that this particular question might dog the man well past any resolution of his family and extramarital conduct news-and-doubts.

An interesting item online, allegedly by a Harvard law school denizen; this link; suggests sports books are good evidence or could be such, of whether a fix is on. So, a question for mainstream media to answer, what was the betting like, how heavy, how skewed, final round at Chaska, on Yang? Did any of the legal betting outlets pull the tournament from their wagering boards? Were there any glaring flags of that sort?

See, this item; this item; this Google; this Google. Whether those Googles grow legs as time passes will be interesting to see.

Finally, is there any cause to doubt the advertising slogan, that even Sears sells? Perhaps.

________FURTHER UPDATE________
Some might remember this advertising campaign.