
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

RAMSEY - How many ways might this slide show have become untimely?

This link. My suggestion, third slide of the fourteen, at its first bullet point, is the start of untimeliness. And then it's downhill from there?

Seriously, if there is staff time, this tight Trudgeon presentation from before the last election cycle should be updated. No longer the pending Town Center bank foreclosure. A new water tower. Town Center renderings and such may be more informative if updated to present status quo and plans. Indications are the commercial and retail real estate bubble is still deflating. An update would be appropriate. Yet, many other things make demands on time.

At some point, an update featured via a prominent link on the City website homepage, would be worthwhile.

Second good idea.

Debt service on the structure depicted on the above-shown opening slide, at barely less than half a million bucks a year, (each and every year or is the principal being amortized), is information that should go with every presentation by the City of the image, as a reminder that unrestrained hubris and dismissive downplaying of long-term downside risk is either dishonest or stupid, depending on whether the actor knew better or was clueless.

Disclosure need not be any more offensively prominent than on the image segment at left [vague red text on that image, and on the above; readable when you click to enlarge the left item, unreadable even at the higher resolution when you click the above image to enlarge]; just so it is always there. That is the main point. The whole point. Never forget. That bare little bit of "truth-and-reminder-badging" would make it quite easier for Ben to keep smiling across the road, were that reform instituted.