
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Public service is never about individual grandeur, nor calculated ambition. It is about constituents, and effectively serving their needs.

Reporting is by Andy Birkey, today, Minn Independent; this link. I merely seeded an excerpt of the Birkey reporting with well known online archive images.

In 2008, Rep. Michele Bachmann’s district had the highest number of foreclosures in Minnesota and the highest rate of foreclosures. Now, as 2009 draws to a close, that trend continues. According to new data from HousingLink and county sheriffs’ offices, the Sixth Congressional District is being disproportionately impacted by the foreclosure crisis despite its representative’s reticence to vote for foreclosure relief legislation.

Bachmann’s district had 1,097 foreclosures in July, August and September of 2009, the highest in the state and [...] the Minnesota Independent noted in April, the second-term Republican voted against every major piece of foreclosure-relief legislation brought before the House.

And since April, she successfully spearheaded an effort to strip the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) of Housing and Urban Development funds aimed at preventing foreclosures in low and middle income neighborhoods.

Bachmann did, however, cosponsor a bill “to direct the Architect of the Capitol to acquire and place a historical plaque to be permanently displayed in National Statuary Hall recognizing the seven decades of Christian church services being held in the Capitol from 1800 to 1868, which included attendees James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.”

Bachmann’s office has not responded to the Minnesota Independent’s request for comment.

I urge everyone to read the full posted Minn Independent item and comments. Andy Birkey sets out the entire range of ameliorating measures Bachmann has steadfastly opposed and voted against, including one that Bush signed into law.

Perhaps she was not paying attention to what he signed or would sign as much as she was calculating how she could maneuver him into her next own self-centered photo-op environs. Perhaps not. You judge. Past history is as it is. Kissing Bush, that sure is a super service for constituents, isn't it? It does so very, very, very, very much for the district.

It must be something helpful to the district and not solely to ignite and inflame her own ambitious will, in her view, or else she'd have acted differently. After all, "Proudly serving the District," is what her congressional website trumpets for all to read.

That calendar gig, bang up job, just what the district in dire straits needed - another photo op. What a sense of opportunity -- for the district.

And you can see all she's done for the district, or can do, from that congressional website. For example, this website screenshot gives a flavor of what she is willing to help you with if you're being foreclosed, soon to be forced with family to pack your belongings and exit your home:

She assured she got her public presidential greeting up front, early in her term and before any changing of the guard. Ain't she Sweet? Special. Unique. Not tawdry, unique.


Bachmann's office did not respond to Minn Independent's request for comment. Perhaps this site-specific Google gives a hint why. The official congressional website of Rep. Michele Bachmann is NOT wholly devoid of the words "mortgage" or "foreclosure." Check out the Google, check out the context. Beyond that, nada, zippo, zilch on the entire website that Google could find about families suffering great hardship, nor any pro-family stance for positive relief for District families from such suffering and grief. Had enough? There's more. Community banks in the district are failing, (at least three so far including the Kiffmeyer bank in Otsego); and we have this site-specific Google too. Not a word of encouragement for failing District community banks that Google could find on that entire site. She must spend a lot of time getting her hair fixed --- tinting out grey, calendar-shoot styling steps, all that.

Unique indeed.

A representative but anonymous Bachmann supporter in a typlically literate comment stated, "Michele also is a one of the leading opposition voices in the global worming scam that threatens the foundation of this country. A subject the crackpot nutcase owner of this blog has been completely silent on."

Uh - we had a dog in Seattle we took to the vet and had wormed, but, regarding "worming" on a global scale, I have no comment. I am happy to learn that Michele Bachmann has views on "global worming," and now if only she'd deal with the community banking failure problem, and the mortgage foreclosre situation, we'd have those items to go along with worming.