
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Michele Bachmann on Healthcare. Can anyone tell me if the Bachmann clinic staff is still going uninsured?

Michele Bachmann seems opposed to generally available federally sponsored health care coverage in several ways.

When Bachmann ran against Patty Wetterling in 2006 Eric Black, then with STRIB, reported that Bachmann had in answer to questioning stated that the clinic she and Marcus Bachmann, (her spouse), owned and operated declined to provide workers with any health care coverage.

To the left is a clinic screenshot. It presents the opening four clinic "counselors and therapists," (via staff person blurbs), with clinic blurbs for all arranged in alphabetical order. It appears that faith, indeed apparent faith healing, is a big item with Marcus Bachmann and his staff. As always, click on the image to enlarge it and read. (And note that I suggest it as being a fair sampling of the entire staff set; or you can go to this link, for the full item set on the webpage - with it unclear what total number of employees there are when reception, records, billing, and other support staff are included.)

A feeling for what the clinic is can be gleaned from the clinic's mission statement, identifying it as giving "quality Christian counseling in a sensitive, loving environment," with Marcus Bachmann's personal mission statement:

Personal Mission Statement: I believe my call is to minister to the needs of people in a practical, effective, and sensitive way. Christ is the Almighty Counselor. My wife and I are the parents of 5 children and have been foster parents to more than 20 children.

[bolding in original] If that is not calling on faith to heal, I am hard pressed to know what else it could be. Also, how Marcus Bachmann's family fecundity relates to competence to treat is unclear. Whether treatments are even offered for Jews and Muslims also is uncertain, the implication being it is absent when they embrace their own faiths strongly and do not approach the clinic seeking Christianty.

So, that is all I will present of the healthcare that the clinic offers patients.

The answer to the question of whether any coverage is presently given employees is unknown to me. i have no cause to believe the status of the clinic coverage has changed. The Congresswoman and family have coverage available via the government.

They apparently enjoy federally paid and provided coverage, in that I have seen no public disavowal of coverage by the family based on political or other ideological grounds.

Yet Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has on every opportunity voted against any manner of federal government paid coverage for those not qualifying for Medicare, veterans benefits, or Medicaid. She has been steadfast in that pattern.

So, on conservative principles she shuns covering those not already covered by federal government sponsorship; but while not renouncing conservative principles I have seen no indication that she has not eagerly enjoyed having federally paid and provided care for herself and those related to her by blood or marriage.

If any reader determines I have misstated one single thing in this post on Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and/or her family business, please immediately send an email or post a comment pointing out error, if any.