
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Matt Entenza - On healthcare. After awaiting a guest editorial that never arrived, an Entenza post from his website.

This link, for the website's sitemap. Here is the screenshot [click to enlarge and read it] from the item online, this link.

I present this while having personal reservations about the Entenza candidacy, and while favoring others, because a past comment that never emerged from moderation characterized me as ignorant of Minnesota Care and the Lois Quam role in its history, calling me biased, and suggesting I was paid by someone to criticize Entenza. The offer of an opportunity to write a guest post was declined, the condition being it could not be anonymous as was the unpublished comment. It is unfortunate people do that, so, instead of an Entenza supporter's views; I republished those under the Entenza byline, his own item.

[note, whether the Entenza email address given with the byline per his item remains active during the campaign is not known to me, and I suggest trying it, or looking to communicate via the candidate's campaign page - the original is undated and I have no idea when this was authored or originally posted].

Please read the comment left by Bridgit Cuisick, and an anonymous comment I otherwise would have not published but for clarification of the kind of thing I use moderation to generally screen out. I have sent Cusick an email. I thought I was unambiguous, above, but now I will be. I received a comment to this post, that went on at length touting Entenza and Quam, and sent without the author having courage enough to provide his/her name. I forwarded that item to Cusick. It is not her or the Entenza staff that has been unresponsive(unless that anonymous person is on staff, something I cannot know and which Cuisick can pin down and send another comment, should she choose that). It is the person who enjoys fuming and namecalling but has declined the offer of a guest editorial. Again, see the updates to this post. That gives the context.

MOREOVER, if Ms. Cusick wants to modify or revise and extend the remarks from that I posted in the screenshot, on behalf of the candidate or as her own independent opinion, I will publish it, here at Crabgrass, under her byline.

I think this response is fair and clarifies - the person I had trouble with was not Cusick or anyone else willingly providing his/her name.

Presumably if an opt-out is included in the conference committee bill and ultimately is signed by Obama as the health care revision from this congress; and Entenza unequivocally would support opting out for instead a complete Minnesota government run and financed program at the state level in opting out; what the Kucinich Amendment sought; I would be overjoyed to hear that. And if something different, under the Cusick byline is emailed me, I will publish it on Crabgrass.

And if this disambiguation update is satisfactory to Ms. Kusick's worries, which I respect, and that ends things, that is a proper outcome also.

Does anyone have any questions or complaint with this update? Let me know if you do.

_______FURTHER UPDATE_______
If Ms. Cuisick has a website, it was not returned via the first page of ten hits, this Google, and I have tried to get the unbiased search by turning off the default personalization that Google now uses. If she has a site, not Facebook, not Twitter, and sends a link I would want to read it. She consults, and has a Blogger ID, saying she consults.