
Friday, December 25, 2009

I think I made a mistake not voting for Priscilla Lord Farris.

I do not feel that Klobuchar nor Franken were strong in speaking out in opposition to the weakening and appeasement that went on in DC on healthcare revision, when it was clear the people wanted reform. I could go on and on. I will not.

In retrospect I suppose Priscilla Lord Farris might have acquitted herself better on this one than Franken. I expected more fight and less compromise out of him. I understand accepting political realities is the norm in DC, but then do not go to Minnesotans and say the emperor's clothing looks spiffy. Etc.

Below is a Polinaut screenshot of initial official comments by our two Senators on the recent bill passage. Please, go to the original, this link, and read comments.

I have added mine there and will not repeat them here. I urge all Crabgrass readers to do the same; so that it becomes a forum for those who have opinions, one way or the other, on the healthcare issue and in particular on the quality of this Senate bill.

[as always click to enlarge and read] And, again, go to the original, this link. Again, note that at the end of each segment, there are the words, "Comment on This Post."

Democracy works best when the politicians know what people hold as strong opinions, and unless those strong opinions are expressed the politicians will make their own assumptions, including that dissembling is acceptable, and that Lieberman, Baucus, and the Republican anti-reform stonewall possibly might not be worthy of eternal public disdain.

We do not want our two DFL senators to think that way.

We want them to know that state DFL leaders and candidates will now face the somewhat daunting task of distancing themselves from the awful compromises and policies of appeasement made in DC. Already six DFL candidates for Governor have done exactly that, which is discussed in a separate Crabgrass post.