
Friday, December 11, 2009

Ho, hum. DFL Guv wannabes puff and opine. List envy, whatever.

Several outlets have the story, PiPress covers it well, this link, this excerpt - from the end of the article.

Several campaigns contacted were aware of the issue but did not want to comment.

Part of the undercurrent of frustration could be Kelliher's emergence as a likely front-runner.

This week, she announced the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Minnesota State Council, adding a fourth piece of union backing to what had been a balkanized union endorsement process. Several other key unions had thrown their weight behind other candidates.

Kelliher also announced the support of former DFL Gov. Wendell Anderson, who joined a list of some 1,000 supporters. And on Wednesday, the campaign won the backing of Emily's List, an influential group focused on electing women to office. During the last election cycle, Emily's List raised $43 million for women candidates nationwide, the group said — cash to which Kelliher would have access.

Bakk said his staff asked for a meeting with the DFL to discuss the matter. A source who asked not to be identified because the person was not authorized to speak on behalf of the source's candidate also said there have been e-mails among campaigns about a possible joint letter to be sent to the DFL.

When asked whether the issue would make it less likely that candidates follow their promises to abide by the DFL endorsement, Bakk said: "It begs the question. If it's not going to be a fair process, why would a campaign abide by it?"

These are people who contend they are qualified, suatably seasoned and sagacious - and thick-skinned enough to be governor of the state. Read the entire article, to see what is making too many of them make themselves look like petty little arguing school children in the schoolyard.

It seems like it is one of those "Who cares" things to voters looking to assure that the GOP does not have the executive branch when redistricting is to be done after the 2010 census. GROW UP.

Other interesting thing, that sentence, "Part of the undercurrent of frustration could be Kelliher's emergence as a likely front-runner." It is a transition from the list-mania reporting to other detail unrelated to the list-mania. But is it editorial, on the news page? It goes beyond who, what, where, when, how - into why, and then speculates rather than reporting what political science profs or other guru types stated about their guess on "why."

Did I miss something about a norm even high school newspaper editors and writers have drummed into their heads - news vs op-ed?

This is PiPress, not a blog where a bit of news sometimes gets mixed up with lots of opinion, and people expect that of blogs.

Noting that, the writer probably has an insight into how the underdogs snap at the top dog, but the entire thing - let it drop - move to issues and answers to the severe problems and opportunities moving into the second decade of the twenty-first century presents to Minnesota, its officials, and its people.

Drop the sniping and snapping at one another over little things.

Chris Steller, MinnIndependent, same story, this link. Sutton and Brodkorb do their thing. Their thing gets quoted by Steller. More ho, hum. Emmer bloviates.

Wrestlemania posturing. We wait for one to hit another with a folding chair.

Read the story, check other reports, add a comment if you disagree and think it's a mountain, not a molehill.

I expect and Residual Forces will have something; but I checked Friday, quarter after eight - the Woofie-Laker game on soon - and neither yet has opinions posted. I don't read GOP stuff beyond Gary and Andy. They are sufficiently separate on the GOP opinion spectrum to get a sense of the thinking there without looking at others. Each in his own way works hard on posting.

Next day, Sat. Dec. 12 - Both of those GOP sites are quiet on Kelliher.

MDE, via GOP hunting dog Luke Hellier foaming at the mouth, has many posts, saying what you'd expect - what the MinnIndependent had in a brief cut from Sutton-Brodkorb, but as if each post is somehow not a hacked rehash of the other; here, here, here, here, here, here, here. Did I leave one out? Did I repeat any? Does it matter? Really, does it, since you have to be a bit defective to read through that entire morass as if it mattered?

What it shows, Luke Hellier, hence Sutton and Brodkorb who appear tasked to feed the dog, collectively are fearful of the Kelliher candidacy. You don't see much of them taking a lot of time to jump up and down on the Iron Ranger candidates this cycle, do you?

It is NOT that Luke Hellier is simply disdainful of female candidates. Quite the opposite, especially when they apparently can advance the career objectives of Luke Hellier and/or he likes classy style to be shown; here, here, here, here, here, here, you get the drift.

Aside from that, substantial and worthwhile reporting also exists, Rachel Stassen-Berger (no longer at PiPress but now at Strib), writes an extended report, this link, with this screenshot of the beginning paragraphs, (for flavor if it might lead readers to check the entire Strib item):

Between the PiPress item referenced and quoted at the start, and this item, you can determine the facts, and see whether you think it's a big-time thing to derail an otherwise strongly trending candidacy, or less than that. Enjoy.

Is it a snapshot of DFL insider snapping at one another in their kennel, perhaps that, but, so what? Do you care very much, in electing a governor, about it? Will it make you change your mind and vote for Emmer? I should say, change your feelings, and vote for Emmer - that's probably the better way to say it.

Norm Coleman has come forward with no judgment on the ethics or lack of ethics of others.