
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Firedoglake is all fired up: "Obama Quits, Cedes Presidency To Joe Lieberman” -- And more. Healthcare hoodwinking riles and galls the good folks.

I start the post via a comment [slightly modified] that I left at another blog. And don't worry, all the links are in the following:

Gary, your GOP dominated hack-job crew overstepped. Now there's a backlash. Now it's Liebercare.

Make a double batch of holiday popcorn, or make it frequently.

Firedoglake's fired up. Perhaps they'll be asking Glen and Michele for disruptive rally tips.

Even gentle Al is piling on, while Robin LieberHood's Little John is appalled at lack of decorum.

We'll do popcorn, Gary, as we are. The country club set will be doing Remy Martin.

With a touch or two of editing, (the RobinLieberHood bit), that's basically a comment left under moderation at, appended to this post. It's being moderated because of the links - links being a flag for moderation because some nefarious people attack blogs with malware linking or worse, advertising.

I like the touch of what Gary's freedom ringing voice has alternately called "Obamacare" and "Pelosicare." Now it's acquired the far worse and super-pejorative term, "Liebercare." And that accomplished, strangely enough, without help from Gary.

Robin LieberHood is of course a GOP-lite variant of Robin Hood, in this instance stealing from the poor to give to the rich, indeed to the uber-rich. His cohort per the Strib item, Little John, qualifies for that uber-rich class rubric.

Uber-dumb and uber-mean, yet uber-rich via swimming in swill beer per the spousal ticket; the two, Robin and Little John, being the top class act at the last RNC.

You remember - the one where the Alaskan moose murderer showed up (in new wardrobe, hair redone, designer glasses added) to savage the press as unfair. Remember all that?

Gilbert and Sullivan could not have put on a better show. And now that pair of Brits are again being trumped stateside, by the US of A Senate.

And without a musical score.

Can Ben Nelson sing? The pack of Catholic bishops as his chorus? Stupak applauding.

And when you read the Firedoglake lead item, (the one Crabgrass headlined), look at the comments. Obama should. My favorites, two:

If I wanted Joe Lieberman writing a health care bill, I would’ve voted for John McCain…!


Let me just pass on something I was told by a European last year.

She said US is strange country. US has been paying for the defense of all the EU countries with NATO for the last 50 years leaving them to spend their money on their own people with free healthcare, education and other programs while the US lets its’ people die. This started after WWII and the money going there is never questioned.

How is it that we never say no to these programs, we have troops in 190 countries! We could use that money here now. Always money for outsiders but not for your own family. Never hear so much complaints about not having enough money in Europe UK even with their extensive social programs from cradle to grave but the richest country in the world just never has money for its own. There is something very wrong.

The last quote, the "last 50 years" part, got me thinking. The Nazi invasion of Poland was Sept. 1, 1939, while the capitulation on the Berlin Wall was Nov. 9, 1989, almost exactly 50 years, with only a month and some change difference. Orwell, if alive, would be interested in the coincidence and irony of that.

As long as irony and coincidence are a topic; almost exactly 20 years after that Berlin Wall capitulation (with reunification within a year after the wall thing) we are ramping up our [the US] troop levels in the Af-Pak situation, with the rest of NATO involved but at substantially lower troop levels yet with the European population well beyond ours.

Orwell, again, would be interested.

Churchill would be pleased. Very much so.

Orwell, presumably knowing some German, would also appreciate irony in "Lieberman," and "Liebercare" being the new name for what, some very tough love - from the populist-progressive perspective? Lovingly crafted, from the insurance cabal's Remy Martin toastings and lobbying-holiday view.

Blog evidence indicates Little John is having memory deficit disorder, as father time catches up. [Note - this update was itself updated because of a dead link problem - the replacement link is expected to remain alive].