
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Birds of a feather flock together. And the initials are "t" and "p." As in Tim Pawlenty. As in Tom Petters. As in enough slime to gag a maggot.

The Minnesota Progressive Project, has the post by Two-Putt Tommy Johnson, here. The screenshot has it all, except for this Petters conviction link and this "Frank Vennes" link (because the image does not give hotlinks, but click on the image for the story, then you can follow the links).

Don't you just love that photo? Two smiling sociopaths? Or not?

That's something you have to answer for yourself.

Search your heart and mind. Do either of the smiles seem sincere to you?

PONZI SCHEMES. Whatever you think, enjoy the image of the TP dynamic duo. And remember, you have to expect that those savvy or experienced in politics do not talk of things they know little or nothing about.

Tim Pawlenty has been sighted, surprisingly in Hew Hampshire where he is not governor, talking "Ponzi scheme," (with a pretense, clearly debatable, that he knows what he's talking about).