
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

“When your captain’s crazy, it’s time to find a new ship,” the lawmaker said.

By JONATHAN ALLEN - 11/4/09 2:34 PM EST

The aide who helped turn Rep. Michele Bachmann into a controversial mainstay of cable news has informed colleagues that she’s quitting —

Multiple sources have confirmed that Michelle Marston, a veteran Hill aide, is leaving Bachmann’s office.

In an e-mail exchange with POLITICO, Marston declined to say why she’s going.

“I’m just not talking about it, and frankly I don’t think there’s a story here,” Marston wrote [...] referring to the prolific Bachmann’s latest political brainstorm, a “house call” on the Capitol Thursday [the day after the Politicl story went online] to which she’s invited Fox News viewers and other conservatives to march with her through House office buildings, “find members of Congress, look at the whites of their eyes and say, ‘Don’t take away my health care.’”

The image of travel-ready conservatives flooding the hallways of the Capitol complex to confront members of Congress may not be one that Republican leaders are too keen to project.

A conservative Republican House member, speaking on the condition of anonymity, suggested that Bachmann’s views — and her willingness to state them — make it hard for her to keep staff.

When your captain’s crazy, it’s time to find a new ship,” the lawmaker said.

Marston replaced Bachmann’s former chief of staff, Rich Dunn, last February. She beefed up Bachmann’s outreach operations with the aim of getting her out in the public eye more often.

“She looks like the type of person who you would invite in to have a cup of coffee at your table,” Marston said at the time.

Politico, this link. This Bachmann woman has gone through staff quicker than Custer went through Indians (until he met Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, of course, hence we in the Sixth District who know her best await a Bachmann Bighorn Event).

Did Katherine Harris go through staff? Has the Pope always been Catholic:

Staff resignations
In late February 2006, in the midst of revelations surrounding Mitchell Wade's illegal contributions, Harris' campaign finance director and campaign treasurer both resigned.

On April 1, 2006 Harris' top campaign advisor, pollster and campaign manager all resigned with a half-dozen other staffers. Republican pollster and consultant David Johnson said, "I've never seen staffers go like this. It's just imploding."


And I don't think Harris made that conservatives calendar - Bachmann also took over the Katherine Harris mantle there too, I suppose.