
Thursday, November 05, 2009 -- looking around there, two interesting MN 6 pages on candidate money flows. Plus, notes re DFL websites.

The homepage, here.

Donor info, Maureen Reed, Tarryl Clark, Michele Bachmann, top industry funding sectors.

Ditto, top contributors by firm affiliations.

This post is largely Crabgrass comment free. Have a look and form your own conclusions. With ties suggested per "follow the money" thinking, questions and issue positions may be anticipated; but neither the Clark website, nor the Reed website was "issue heavy" the last time I looked.

Reed has a current opinion posted on the circus performance capitol steps Bachmann rabble, rousing. (Bachmann probably has the same bullhorn in tow that she'd used years ago on the steps atop the hill, in St. Paul - it's a tool of her trade.)

Reed's healthcare op-ed post, this link. Note that Reed posts link info there about United Health Group, if you'd want to link over and have a look. This very brief excerpt:

Bachmann has received over $206,900 in campaign contributions from health care interests in her career. Bachmann continues to defend her insurance donors by attacking reform without proposing a comprehensive approach that would deliver quality care that is affordable and covers everyone, especially children. In addition, Bachmann is silent on how to reform Medicare.

Clark news presently is less current.

Doubtlessly Clark largely agrees with Reed about the Bachmann rabble, rousing. Why would she not? Still, an explicit rather than implicit viewpoint would help.

If you are into videos, (I am not), Reed links to one on healthcare, an interview with an individual named Ted Butler, who I know nothing about. This link to view it (in two parts).

Crabgrass readers are urged to keep current on both websites, and to not waste time at all on the Bachmann campaign or official House websites. Time is too precious a thing to waste.