
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

North Star Liberal exists and deserves attention.

This link.

I will say little, since it would only detract from your visiting the site and forming your own opinions.

First, "liberal" is an inexact term in times when extreme rightwing rhetoric uses the word as if it were derogatory, equivalent of some moral weakness, as "child molester," or "wife beater." That is unhelpful. So, again go to the site and let them define themselves.

Finally, I have met personally three of the involved people, spoken by phone with another, and read things Chris Truscott has written. If more than five are posting I am unaware, although they may expand ranks or find that the present group works cordially. I have bounced a few emails around reaching those five, but they are as independent of me and my biases and weaknesses as they are independent of Michele Bachmann.

I have no stake in selling you on the benefits of the site. Go there. Read a bit. Make up your own minds. I find it an enjoyable and informative resource, even while being new.

But, again, see for yourselves.

Blueman Hal Kimball deserves credit for first noting the start of North Star Liberal.

Without his post, I might have taken another month or more to discover it exists. Thanks, Hal.