
Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Alliance for a Better Minnesota is looking at what a progressive governor might be, and how to elect one.

The governor situation; this link.

The website home page; this link:

My impression is this group has not looked at nor published about the candidates in Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District where the incumbent clearly is not a progressive. I did this site specific Google. From the lack of any relevant hits, it looks as if they are disinterested in MN 6 or have yet to reach it in setting their priorities.

I think the clear priority on the governor's race, with the census due next year, is probably a quite sound choice. That and keeping a DFL legislature [hopefully increasing among those majorities the number of progressive vs. moderate DFL'ers also might happen]. But getting the road block to prosperity and good governance out of the Governor's seat would surely be one very, very nice step. Well, he will be gone in any event, but keeping out a clone or worse one, that's the thing - eyes on the prize, etc.

I would hope if the Alliance does address the Sixth District they would basically tell the truth - two moderate candidates, neither a "progressive" by many commonly accepted measures of what the word means, but two middle of the spectrum very high quality women, against an incumbent of a far lesser quality, and with far, far less of any notion of "progressiveness" going with the incumbency.

In the district both Clark and Reed seem sufficiently conservative to meet true middle-spectrum likes and dislikes that past elections have revealed. Each is more of a Klobuchar than a Kennedy or Bachmann. Each promises a better presence in DC than the do-nothing-but-seek-personal-headlines incumbent, Michele Bachmann.

Either Clark or Reed would serve the district more than being self-serving.

Either would vastly improve the quality of representation and the national regard given the district, now a laughingstock district because of the ongoing uninterrupted highly laughable and wholly unproductive Bachmann conduct.

Neither Reed nor Clark would fib, nor make up demonstrably false and outlandish "facts" to fit a tirade. Neither operates that way. Neither is a loose cannon.