
Friday, October 09, 2009

An old saying for Republican friends.

"From a tiny ACORN, a mighty oak will grow."

I don't know who said it first.

I expect it was in a different context than current Michele Bachmann rants. Rants from Bahcmann and her ilk.

Blog troll offered a comment I refuse to publish where placed, but the gist is that all else but attack on ACORN is moot, because without ACORN Fraken [sic, troll spelling] would not have prevailed on the recount.

My God. Without ACORN we would -still have- that follow-the-flow brick Norm Coleman in office - that's the suggestion.

If for nothing else, thank you roundly to everyone associated with ACORN, if that is the case, or even if it remotely might be so, if there is the slightest grain of truth to troll's belief system, re Franken and Coleman and who really by proof of recount won the contested Wellstone seat.


Hooray again for Franken. Again --- Say Goodbye Norm.

Nothing phony about that guy, that shirt, it looks so naturally relaxed, so rural-Minnesota, so quintessentially-Norm ... ah, the man, the Hofstra hair, the bullhorn, the ongoing consistent sincerity ...

Do you think Kazeminy might have bought the shirt for him?

Troll must have the wisdom of his mentors.