
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

HEALTHCARE -- CREW files ethics complaint against well kept anti-healthcare-reform Blue Dog Mike Ross.

The entire CREW item is at this link. (The screenshot only gives lead paragraphs.) For more, the CREW page has links, and FireDogLake jumps on the Blue Dog, with an ad that will be run in Arkansas, especially in Ross' district. FireDogLake seeks financial aid to offset the costs of running the ad; this link. This excerpt:

Meanwhile, our Mike Ross/Blanche Lincoln "Act Like Democrats" ad (above) started running in Arkansas today, and will play this weekend at the start of the Razorback game. We need about $4500 to finish off paying for the 2 week buy that will be seen on network TV approximately 10 times by almost every Democrat in Ross's district.

Sure hope Ross is a Razorback fan.

The Ross compromised situation was earlier noted on Crabgrass, Sept. 23 when the story first broke; this link.

Ross, you fit the song lyrics:

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't someone, a few months ago - about a year ago today - promising there would be change? Whats-his-name, he was saying that, I believe. Where's he now and what's he changing? What's-his-name? The one many trusted.

Man --- the times they are awaiting!


The full Adobe pdf version of the complaint to Attorney General Holder suggesting federal criminal charges might be proper against Ross is online, CREW's website, this link.

The crux of things is clear from the third [signature] page of the complaint [with exhibits following, a three page item, thirty pages total including exhibits]. Click the image of that third page to enlarge and read - including the analogy to the Duke Cunningham criminality for which there are parallels - sale of an asset for arguably far in excess of market value, together with allied conduct suggesting a possible unlawful quid pro quo at play.