
Friday, September 04, 2009

RAMSEY NEWS: Curtis Martinson jury trial tentatively set for Oct. 20. Oh, my. Can't they at least wait until spectators can commute, by Northstar?

Start with the Department of Justice press release, two pages (click to enlarge):

Next, a screenshot from ABC Newspapers online, here:

Wow! A lottery chance - for a free ride. I can see it now - handwaving, cheering, festive times - the chance to ride Northstar - for free ---

There's one sobering note. That picture to the the left thus far will not be any scene at a Ramsey Town Center Northstar stop. As a friend emailed, You will need to be "VERY, VERY spry if you plan to board in Ramsey."

The big question hanging fire in all this Ramsey Town Center fiasco situation is where did all the money go? The city put much public wealth into infrastructure which, because of city spending, the developer did not have to pay. Half of the land got built out, without half of the principal having been paid down. Presumably cash flow to the developer allowed debt service on interest, even without amortizing principal.

But - who made off with the lion's share of the loot, how did that come about, and was it in some fashion where one(s) owing the city fiduciary duties had personal interests first in mind?

What we do know is that commitments made by the developer as its part of infrastructure, development of parks and other things, were neglected.

It will be interesting if Martinson actually goes to trial, and facts come out about where the money went, who took or got what, etc., given that both Sandisons copped pleas indicating cooperation with authorities against odd-man-out Martinson.

The trial should be interesting. I expect the statewide daily print media, and ABC Newspapers, will pay attention and report. But, again, if there is an October trial it likely will be over and the jury verdict in before a single for-cash Northstar run ever happens.

Aside from all that, evaluation of the entire Northstar boondoggle, will be interesting. Especially if the ridership proves to be as anemic as I expect it to be. One thing I expect, independent of profit or loss in the venture, there will continue to be leadership restaurant and other arguably over-indulgent expenses attached to the income statement and run into the "operating" budget.

The expectation is the Anoka County Watchdog will bark loudly if discovering any such future mischief. Every taxpayer in the County is encouraged to access that website regularly, to learn what the dog's barking about currently.

________FURTHER UPDATE________
Sept 8 -- MARTINSON: In an email a reader noted that Curtis Martinson, while residing in Eden Prairie, was a contributor to two Ramsey Council campaigns as reported by candidates Jeffrey and Cleveland in late October 2008; with Cleveland identifying him as "Manager - PSD,LLC" so that at that time, before the November elections, he was being held out as being the manager of Jim and Pamela Deal's closely-held corporation; fitting with his being present at the Deal sponsored Tinklenberg fundraiser in that time frame.

If any reader knows of his current status with the Deal firm, if any, please send an email. Also, if any reader knows whether Martinson contributed to others running for council in that election cycle, again please email.

I probably should make a public data request with the City for the entire set of campaign contribution reports from that cycle.

If the reader who sent selected pages has the entire set, please attach that set, to an email. Giving only bits and pieces - it makes it look as if someone has an agenda.