
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Patty Wetterling endorses Tarryl Clark.

There have been several Crabgrass posts today, including an earlier one, here, on recent developments touching upon the Maureen Reed and Tarryl Clark contest for the DFL party endorsement [Reed also seeking the IP nod].

This is huge because Patty Wetterling has not endorsed a candidate since she and Bachmann ran in 2006. Wetterling and Immelman represent the only two promising candidates I can think of since at least before the Mark Kennedy - Janet Robert contest. The Wetterling emailing says in relevant part:

Over the years, we’ve worked together for many important causes. Today, I’m asking you to join me again in an important cause for our community: new, sensible leadership for Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District.

I’m proud to support my friend Tarryl Clark in her campaign for Congress.

Tarryl and I have worked together as advocates, as mothers, and as leaders to make real change on behalf of Minnesotans. Tarryl speaks passionately about the needs of our children and families. But what makes Tarryl effective is her willingness to roll up her sleeves to deliver on the issues that matter. Time and again, when her constituents or her neighbors have needed her, she gets the job done.

I hope you will join me today by making a contribution of $250, $100, $50, or whatever you can afford to Tarryl’s campaign for Congress.

Tarryl and I have traveled the 6th District together, going door-to-door, person-to-person, because both of us believe in the power of affecting change by working from the grassroots up. We believe that, by stretching across the community and reaching the real people in the 6th district, we can make a real difference.

[donor link omitted, italics emphasis added]

It will take a willing-to-work proven campaigner to defeat Bachmann, who campaigns hard.

Bachmann is shallow and stupid, and a known prima dona, but a proven hard campaigner.

Hence, the hope is that face-to-face campaigning as much as feasible by one who is more skilled and equally tenacious to Bachmann will overcome the expected toxic things the GOP operatives will be doing.

Lightweights or dilettantes need not apply.

And the hope is that sound and consistent in-the-trenches grassroots campaigning also will overcome those pernicious half-page orange cards that the forces of evil mail every cycle, saying "Vote GOP, the Second Amendment compels it."

The Wetterling endorsement is discussed in online reporting, here and here. There may be more, but it is all I have seen thus far; 5 pm, Tuesday, Sept. 29.
Wetterling photo from here, via Google images.