
Saturday, September 05, 2009

New Role: Party Putz.

Read it here, and weep over the sheer stupidity and wasting of time. A salary and healthcare coverage, for putzing. This is no "Big Question."

It is small, small, small, small, insignificantly small, and GOPish. It is why they have been hammered 2006 and 2008. It is fiddling, off-key, while Rome burns. Putzing on the taxpayers' dime. Give me Coleen Rowley and her whistleblowing that might have forestalled 9/11, anytime, over this gentleman. What were the voters in that district thinking?

Bipartisanship is fair. When you think about all the real issues the nation faces: THIS is putzing too, big time, by a bigger fish in the pond.

Hat tip to MDE, for linking to the Strib item. Without that the whole thing was under my radar. However, I cannot see why they think it's something big time. It's small, small change, hardly enough to rattle around in anyone's pocket. Kline should manage his time more wisely. Obama should stick to the immense problems of healthcare, Afghanistan, and the economy and not be creating unneeded diversions to distract public attention so that mischief can be done on those big-time fronts.